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Jumpstart your app development process with pre-built solutions from Vercel and our community.
Catalyst by BigCommerce
Developer-first ecommerce: customizable UI kit, comprehensive GraphQL API client, optimized for Next.js & React Server Components.
Microfrontends allow teams to work independently of each other by splitting the application into smaller, shareable, and modular components.
Turborepo & Next.js Starter
This is an official starter Turborepo with two Next.js sites and three local packages
Turborepo & Gatsby Starter
This is an official starter Turborepo with a Gatsby app, a Next.js app, and a React.js component library shared by both applications.
Turborepo Kitchen Sink Starter
This is an official starter Turborepo with an Express server, Next.js app, Vite app, and a Remix blog all sharing four local packages.
Turborepo & SvelteKit Starter
This is an official starter Turborepo with two SvelteKit apps and two local packages.
Design System with Turborepo
This is an official starter Turborepo with a single Storybook documentation site, a shared UI component library, and three local packages.
Turborepo & React Native Starter
This is an official starter Turborepo with a Next.js site, a React Native app, and two local packages.